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The Sacrament of Baptism

"Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word"
                                                           - Catechism of the Catholic Church 1213

Infant Baptism Policy at Divine Providence

Requirements for Baptism


  1. The child MUST be under 7 years of age; if 7 or older, they MUST enroll in Faith Formation classes.

  2. Parents and Godparents must attend a baptism preparation class FIRST, prior to registering. The purpose of these classes is to convey an understanding of baptism in the Church, to help parents recognize their responsibility and role in the development of their child’s faith, and to welcome young families into our parish family.   If classes are taken at any parish other than this one, they must provide proof of attendance by either in a certificate of attendance or a letter from that church’s pastor. If the parents and/or Godparents have taken Baptismal Preparation Classes within the past year, this requirement is waived. (Code of Canon Law, c. 851; Catechism of the Catholic Church 843)

  3. Ordinarily, children are baptized in your home parish, If you are not registered in this parish or do not live within the boundaries of Divine Providence, a Letter of Permission from your home parish is necessary. (Catechism of the Catholic Church 857)

Documentation Required:

  • Baby's Birth Certificate (State-issued, NOT the certificate from Hospital)

  • IDs from Parents and Godparents

  • Documentation of attendance - Baptism Preparation Class (For Parents & Godparents)

  • Catholic Marriage certificate (NOT CIVIL!!!) and Confirmation certificate for Godparents (If single/not divorced and not living in common law, only Confirmation certificate is required)

  • $35 registration fee (CASH ONLY)

Scheduling of Baptism

Once Baptismal Class and you have all documents gathered, please call the office (210) 623-3970 to check availability for the Baptism. Baptisms are scheduled for Saturdays at 10AM and no more than 5 children per date. We do not offer individual Baptisms.

Requirements for Godparents

  1. Must be at least 16 years of age.

  2. At least one godparent is needed; a fully initiated (having received Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation), practicing Catholic, registered in a parish.There may be two godparents, one man and one woman; both must be fully initiated practicing 

  3. Must be someone other than the parents of the child to be baptized.(Code of Canon Law, cc. 867-868; Catechism of the Catholic Church 1251)

  4. Must be leading a life in harmony with the Catholic faith and the role they are about to assume.

Choosing a Godparent
The day of Baptism is a very special day. Baptism is the first of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church and the gateway into the Christian life. This sacrament is celebrated only once in a person’s life, making it a day to be remembered.

Prayerfully consider a few things:

  1. Does the person truly exemplify the faith, by living according to the teachings of the Catholic Church?

  2. Does the person live a life in harmony with the Church?

  3. Does the person regularly practice their faith by participation in the sacramental life of the Church?

Godparents should not be chosen because of family expectations or pressure. The role of the godparent(s) is to be a presence, specifically a spiritual presence, in a child’s life. The Role of a Godparent in the Child’s Spiritual Life Godparents are a very special part of the sacrament, as they support and bolster the mission of the parents to bring up their child in the faith and to know God.


The Godparents have two primary responsibilities:

  1. To accept the responsibility to help the parents to raise the child in faith.

  2. To represent the entire Church

Expectations of a Godparent:

  1. To be part of the child’s lifelong journey of faith.

  2. To be a model of faith through the lived example of life in harmony with the Catholic Church.

  3. To be a good example to the child

  4. To practice the Catholic faith regularly.

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